Meet the FS 2021 Charitable Partner

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Introducing the FS Blog

Founded in 1992, FS began as a small collective of students looking to give back to their community. Since then, we have become one of the largest and most successful student-run events in the UK, hosting thousands of guests each year allowing us to donate over £500,000 to charities around the world.

However, as COVID-19 has shut down so many parts of the world, and halted every-day-life, we have reexamined what it means to connect with our audience. Inspired by the barriers faced due to such unprecedented times FS now welcomes you to the newest addition to the FS organization, our blog: ‘A New Runway.’ We hope that through the introduction of this new blog FS can grow as an organization not only known for its events but also for its greater advocacy for and promotion of the charities we work with as well as the brands, companies, and designers (without whom we could not operate) in addition to featuring initiatives we are pursuing to further promote and raise awareness for those who share in accomplishing our philanthropic and sustainability goals.

Domestic Violence

Due to the ways in which Covid-19 has especially exacerbated the issue of domestic abuse, this year our Committee decided to partner with an organisation that provides services to those affected by domestic abuse. We also set the goal of utilising our talented committee and helping our charitable partner with hands-on initiatives that will support their cause. Applications for our charitable partner opened on July 3rd and closed on July 30th. We received many brilliant applications and were grateful to all the organisations that applied. There was one charity that particularly caught our attention however…

Introducing FearFree

FS is very excited to announce that our Charitable Partner for 2021 is FearFree!

The FearFree project provides support to hard to-reach victims of domestic abuse, particularly men, LGBT+, non-binary and individuals from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) backgrounds. FearFree is recognised as the only person centred, face-to-face support service in Scotland available for male and LGBT+ victims of domestic abuse. This is particularly important given the steep rise in reported domestic abuse incidents since the start of the Coronavirus crisis and ensuing government ‘lockdown’. Consequently, this has led to a change in the ways that FearFree offers support to respond to the changing needs of its service user group.

Through the personalised, intensive and targeted support provided by Fearless, two of the hardest to reach groups can access essential support for domestic abuse: men and LGBT+ victims, including non-binary people

FS2021 is proud to partner with FearFree and we are looking forward to helping them with their cause.

To learn more about the invaluable work done by FearFree, visit their website, Facebook page, or Twitter.


The Fresher Rep Experience