Creative Director: Brynn Hanson

FS: Revival showcased our generation’s infatuation with vintage fashion and trends before us. Through vintage consumption—including film photography, and vinyls—our generation has discovered a whole new take on fashion and way of living. FS aims to create a unique style shaped by views on the past while acknowledging the impact on our future. We are illustrating a more eco-friendly and eclectic taste, juxtaposing current designers with vintage inspiration, up-cycled clothes, and archive pieces that can be found in fashion history.

Now, our generation finds itself at continuous historic turning points. How we interpret, create, and pass on is more important than ever. By looking back, we can reflect on the unique ways to adapt our own style and mentality in order to help us look forward. 

How can we use fashion of the past to shape our future?

PHASE 1 // The 60s

PHASE 2 // 70s


PHASE 3 // 80s

PHASE 4 // 90s

PHASE 5 // Y2K

Clothing is a subversive response to the world around us. Fashion is cyclical, and our current styles, trends and looks can be unpacked by looking into our history. What we wear and consume is a reflection of fashion’s dynamic influence in the socio-political sphere. 

Our nostalgic memory serves as a dual experience of escapism and confrontation of truth. Revival is the active participation of reaching into our past and bringing it to the present moment. This act of revisiting, repurposing, and  re-examining propels the fashion industry towards a style that places emphasis on craftsmanship and timelessness of creative innovation throughout history. Revival examines these fashion rebellions of the past and how that inspiration lends to our changing world.